Open the gate.. welcome to this dimension..
Category:[rebuild2022], sort:[descending], entries found:[5]
So onward we go, solving all the problems that I've wanted to have available for web delivery for, like.. well a long time.. For photographers there's often as much fascination with the camera and t...
Well.. a bit of taking stock and 'cleaning up'.. ## CSS, Responsiveness, & Design I'd forgotten how frustrating CSS can be. It takes a couple of hours to get 'into CSS think' (grids, blocks, floats...
Well.. a lot of 'tidy up work' for ['Rebuild 22'](/ ## CSS CSS4 is a much more capable beast that I am used to, having probably had 'deep exposure' to CSS the last time about 10 ye...
Well.. a lot of 'grunt work' getting 'behind the scenes' things working for ['Rebuild 22'](/ ## Images There are two types of images: 1) never changing and generally fixed size (e.g....
So I'm rebuilding my website for like the umpteeth time. I'm not at all sure why I'm bothering, maybe I've got something to prove to myself now that I'm not working? Who knows? So much for the philos...