Open the gate.. welcome to this dimension..
Tag:[debt], sort:[descending], entries found:[4]
Yep, what's nuts is it's a zero sum game. Ultimately as Adam Tooze [points out](
The World Is Seeing How the Dollar Really Works
To try and get a handle on whether there's a 'credit problem' I thought a look at the straight aggregates over time might shed some light. RBA aggregates are available on [knoema](https://public.kno...
Reserve Bank of Australia Money and Credit Statistics - Public Knoema Data Hub
That's an interesting exercise to do: * disposable income (i.e. your gross - super - tax) * value of housing assets (and as a ratio to disposable income i.e. house price / disposable income) * val...
Chart Pack
[Mea Culpa by everyone]( The asinine regurgitation...
How central bank mistakes after 2019 led to inflation