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Tag:[uk], sort:[descending], entries found:[11]

Where's the next obfuscated meltdown coming from?

⊰ 2022-10-03 by ShaunO ⊱

So [this](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-01/david-taylor-global-financial-crisis-2/101492384) is interesting. Albeit over-stated and under-evidenced. But it makes sense that with everything ec...

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The world is on the brink of another financial crisis, and the next few weeks are key

And on it goes..

⊰ 2022-09-29 by ShaunO ⊱

It's all getting pretty weird if you're following along on a daily basis. Everything politicians, economists, and talking heads thought they 'knew' is pretty much being tipped on its head.. The Bank...

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Emergency Bank move will not solve the problem

Leopard changing its spots?

⊰ 2022-08-23 by ShaunO ⊱

I like Gordon Brown, I think he's probably smart, genuine, and honest. But I can't help thinking when I see him 'don his socialist suit' like he is in [this article](https://www.theguardian.com/com...

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We must tax profits now, freeze energy price rises - and if necessary bring suppliers into the public sector | Gordon Brown

Spent power

⊰ 2022-08-21 by ShaunO ⊱

It'd probably be a good idea if UK politicians and departments dialled down the rhetoric, and 'trimmed their cloth' the match the reality of where the country finds itself. Bordering on being a fin...

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UK PM candidate Sunak: Russia's Putin should be barred from G20

He's got a point..

⊰ 2022-08-04 by ShaunO ⊱

I've never been a Corbyn fan. I respect his conviction, but as a political player he is either naive, or has a 'tin ear'. He was certainly never electable. I don't know all the ins and outs of his ...

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Jeremy Corbyn urges west to stop arming Ukraine

UK real wage decline worst than post-GFC

⊰ 2022-07-11 by ShaunO ⊱

The following graph shows what I anecdotally experienced post-GFC (2008) in the UK. My best guess was a fall in real wages of between 10-15% over 2008-2013. That fall is significantly faster now by ...

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U.K.?s Next Leader Faces Challenges Unseen Since Thatcher

Are we done with the 'looney right' now?

⊰ 2022-07-08 by ShaunO ⊱

We can only hope that this completes the era of bombast and narcissism.. Maybe Boris and Trump can go and have a drink together to console themselves down at the "delusions cafe".. I think the pair ...

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Resignation speech: 'No-one is indispensable' - Boris Johnson's statement in full

Boris the clown

⊰ 2022-06-27 by ShaunO ⊱

What he should have said: "In my fantasies (and wet dreams) I imagine I'm Churchill, but sadly, I'm just another oxbridge cad who's been promoted to his own level of incompetence..""...

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Boris Johnson urges world leaders to hold firm on Ukraine

Dear Mr TV Licencing Authority

⊰ 2009-02-17 by ShaunO ⊱

==== AN OPEN LETTER ====

I am at a loss for words...

Well I was, but I have subjected myself to intense pyschotherapy since receiving your lett...

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