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Tag:[uk], sort:[descending], entries found:[11]
So [this]( is interesting. Albeit over-stated and under-evidenced. But it makes sense that with everything ec...
The world is on the brink of another financial crisis, and the next few weeks are key
It's all getting pretty weird if you're following along on a daily basis. Everything politicians, economists, and talking heads thought they 'knew' is pretty much being tipped on its head.. The Bank...
Emergency Bank move will not solve the problem
I like Gordon Brown, I think he's probably smart, genuine, and honest. But I can't help thinking when I see him 'don his socialist suit' like he is in [this article](
We must tax profits now, freeze energy price rises - and if necessary bring suppliers into the public sector | Gordon Brown
It'd probably be a good idea if UK politicians and departments dialled down the rhetoric, and 'trimmed their cloth' the match the reality of where the country finds itself. Bordering on being a fin...
UK PM candidate Sunak: Russia's Putin should be barred from G20
I've never been a Corbyn fan. I respect his conviction, but as a political player he is either naive, or has a 'tin ear'. He was certainly never electable. I don't know all the ins and outs of his ...
Jeremy Corbyn urges west to stop arming Ukraine
The following graph shows what I anecdotally experienced post-GFC (2008) in the UK. My best guess was a fall in real wages of between 10-15% over 2008-2013. That fall is significantly faster now by ...
U.K.?s Next Leader Faces Challenges Unseen Since Thatcher
We can only hope that this completes the era of bombast and narcissism.. Maybe Boris and Trump can go and have a drink together to console themselves down at the "delusions cafe".. I think the pair ...
Resignation speech: 'No-one is indispensable' - Boris Johnson's statement in full
What he should have said: "In my fantasies (and wet dreams) I imagine I'm Churchill, but sadly, I'm just another oxbridge cad who's been promoted to his own level of incompetence..""...
Boris Johnson urges world leaders to hold firm on Ukraine
==== AN OPEN LETTER ====