Open the gate.. welcome to this dimension..
Oh yeah.. which delusion is your greatest illusion, kind of thing.. 🙂
Being really honest with yourself is much more of a challenge than most people imagine - it takes practice, time, and courage to 'de-script' from a lifetime of familial, societal, educational, and corporate 'training'..
Some people never manage it, and that's ok because everbody's path is different..
Those that do, get a glimpse at one of the "truest forms of freedom".
I'm sure this stuff exists in many philosophical, spiritual, and emotional literature spheres, but I can't give you any quotes/references unfortunately because I tend to 'osmose' this kind of thing rather than remember exactly where it comes from..
Or maybe, to be self de-referential, it's all just one of my delusions! 😃
buggered if I know 😛