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Tag:[labour], sort:[descending], entries found:[5]
It's true - [the memes are crap]( But i...
Quiet Quitting Is the Fakest of Fake Workplace Trends
[It's an argument about what the argument is about..]( As the [Wall Street Journal](http...
The Backlash Against Quiet Quitting Is Getting Loud
Business council says: "Please let us import already trained slave-labour, because it messes with our profits if we have to spend money training existing staff" ...
Calls for skilled migration overhaul
I've never been a Corbyn fan. I respect his conviction, but as a political player he is either naive, or has a 'tin ear'. He was certainly never electable. I don't know all the ins and outs of his ...
Jeremy Corbyn urges west to stop arming Ukraine