Open the gate.. welcome to this dimension..
Tag:[health], sort:[descending], entries found:[3]
[Hunt]( is another of the 'ivy league' educated 'blue bloods' (University of Melbourne, Yale), who have 'hung around' the system (in Hunt's case on Alexander D...
Just 24 health workers helped under Morrison government scheme to bring 2,000 medics to Australia
So [this](/blog/2022/ has turned into a fully fledged 'media shit storm', and like all such things is becoming pretty devoid of useful facts. So this'll be my last words on the matter...
As the Coalition feuded over vaping, 'personal' donations were made by the pro-vape lobby
oh FFS.. You can walk into any supermarket and buy cigarettes *legally* and they're pretty much *guaranteed to kill you*.. The ABC is making out like nicotine is crack cocaine, or heroin.. and choo...
Ruby is still in school and wearing nicotine patches. Vaping is to blame